Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Moog Werkstatt

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The Moog Werkstatt is a patchable and compact, one oscillator analog synthesizer. It was originally created as a kit, to be the foundation for exclusive "Engineering VIP" workshops at Moogfest 2014. But because the public demanded more, Moog built a no-soldering-required version! Assembly is extremely simple (you just need a screwdriver). Any user can quickly build an analog synthesizer based on classic Moog circuits, and if desired, study the analog circuits. Plus, it comes with header patch cables, so you can route the control signals any way you want. Through assembly and inspired investigation, the Moog Werkstatt is an excellent platform for exploring the world of analog synthesizer circuits. A lifetime of experimentation, knob twisting, and sound design awaits.

Product Specifications  

The Moog Werkstatt is an easy-to-assemble DIY patchable and compact, one oscillator analog synthesizer
No soldering required - just a little screwing parts together
Oscillator Section
Single VCO w/ frequency control (8Hz to 16KHz)
Saw and square waveshapes w/ control for square pulse width
Envelope or LFO selectable Mod Source that can be assigned to PWM or Pitch w/ Amount control
Ability to PWM the square wave
Filter Section
Classic 4-Pole Moog Ladder Filter w/ Resonance control (20Hz-20KHz)
Select between the Envelope generator and LFO as Mod Source.
Polarity switch (+/-) and amount  knob for control of filter cutoff modulation
LFO Section
Selectable Square or Triangle waveshape w/ rate control (2Hz-600Hz)
VCA/AMP Section
Select between the Envelope Generator or ON (Drone)
Envelopes Section
Controls for Attack & Decay time w/ Sustain On/Off switch
KB Section
One octave low-note priority legato keyboard w/ glide control
Patchable Header
VCA Input 0V to +5V in VCA EG Mode, +/-2.5V in VCA ON Mode
VCF Input -5V to +5
VCO LINEAR FM Input +/-2.5V - NOTE: this is an inverting control input
VCO EXPONENTIAL FM Input -5V to +5V, 1V/Octave trimmable
LFO CV Input 5V to +5V – NOTE: Negative CV slows LFO more than the panel
VCF AUDIO Input Unbuffered/Unmixed AC coupled input to VCF
2x KB CV Output 3V/semitone from 1 keyboard - NOTE: Attenuate for 1V/Octave
2x TRIG Output 5 msec pulse, 0 to +5 V signal generated from low-note priority
2x GATE Output 0 to +5V signal generated from low-note priority
2x EG Output 0 to +5V signal, Simple ASD or AD type Envelope Generator
2x LFO Output -2.5 to +2.5V Triangle or Square wave, selected via LFO Switch
2x VCF Output-2V to +2 V signal for audio or CV uses
2x VCO Output 0V to +5V VCO signal, wave selected by VCO Wave Switch
Rear Panel
AUDIO Output Nominal +/-1.5V Signal
POWER +12VDC Center Positive w/ 1.2A Wall transformer
Includes: Werkstatt-Ø1 kit, 5 colored patch cables, AC adapter
Dimensions: 8.5" x 5.25" x 1.25"

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